Occoquan Craft Festival -- June 5&6

Brother's Lemonade and Snack Shack Opens on 2 May
In the time honored tradition of children having a lemonade stand, Preston and Alex will be working with Royal Enterprises, to learn the basic management of business. Although the stand is much bigger than the traditional lemonade stand, we are excited to add it to our ever growing businesses. The Brothers' will be working with Royal Enterprises management (Mom is other title I go by) to insure that their new creation is not only a fun place to work, but a profitable endeavor. We are very excited with all of the growing our family is doing, and look forward to more "business children" in the future.
Miss Loudon County Pageant
On April 25, it my honor and privilege to judge the Miss Loudoun County pageant on behalf of the Purcellville Lion's club.
Below is the article that appeared in the Purcellville on May 1st:
A packed auditorium at Loudoun Valley High School, filled with parents, well wishers and supporters, cheered on nineteen very accomplished, philanthropic and energetic contestants vying for the title of Miss Loudoun County 2009. This year marked the 53rd Annual Pageant and the 53rd year in which the Purcellville Lions Club served as host. The theme for this year was “Celebrate America!” which the contestants and audiences were more than happy to do.
The evening’s MC was Mr. Paul Draisey, who helped keep the audience in suspense while the contestants were busy with wardrobe changes. The distinguished panel of judges for the evening included: Juan Romero, Master Deputy, Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office; Stephanie Arnold-Merchant, All American Classic Woman 2009 and Juliette Rizzo, Ms. Wheelchair America 2005. Throughout the evening, special entertainment was provided by the Chorus of the Old Dominion and the Creative Dance Center. Caitlin Uze, Miss Apple Blossom Festival 2009 was also in attendance as she prepares for this weekend’s 82nd Apple Blossom Festival in Winchester, Virginia.
Congratulations to all of the girls who participated. It truly was one of the hardest jobs I've had to do. I would like to extend my thanks to Jaime and Connie Stump for making it an outstanding experience.
Articles on the pageant:
Washington Post, Loudoun Extra
Purcellville Gazzette
Royal Confections Opening Day
Royal Confections Makes its Debut
In other news, if one business is good, then two must be twice the fun. My boys and I are opening a "Lemonade Stand" in a permanent location near the Confection shop. We are hoping to have "Brothers' Lemonade and Conveniences" opened by the end of the month.
Both shops are currently targeting 2 May as their official "Grand Opening" so here's to keeping fingers crossed, and trying to make it happen.
Fargo Flood Assistance-- From Angela Smith's Blog (Mrs. ND International)
From Angela's conversation, the dikes in and around Fargo are leaking and/or showing signs of failure. They have increased the flood heights to 43ft and it is likely that most of the area will be under water.
As the Smith family travels to Minneapolis, they are seeing little traffic heading the same direction and the only traffic they see going in the opposite direction is emergency vehicles, large construction equipment, tractor trailers with supplies and National Guard Convoys. Buses are transporting volunteers to the city - most residents have been up for 5-7 days sandbagging and are exhausted - many haven't slept for days. The sites are staggering and humbling.
Donations (monetary, food, etc..) are greatly needed. Please visit: www.givebackimpact.org and donate - these monetary donations will be doubled and kept local. These funds will assist with shelters and volunteer efforts. Also, donate to the Salvation Army and Red Cross - both organizations will be instrumental in recovery efforts.
To listen to local news: http://www.mojo104.com/ and http://www.fm1051.net/ will be the best resources. You will have a true sense of the dire need that people have and the extent of situation. The city's priority at this time is repairing any leaking/failed dikes and evacuating all residents. The focus is no longer building more dikes or sandbagging.
Please send your prayers out to all families and especially to the Smiths.
16 March- Royal Confections Goes Live on the Web
Opening 4 April 2009!
We have finally taken that next step into cyber-space and gone "Live". This site will grow and change as we do, and we are excited to be working on a number of pageant sponsorships and appearance opportunities in May, June and Sept. If you are interested in taking part, please email me at info@royal-confections.com:
Website details:
Fine chocolates and confections have several characteristics in common: they are always fresh, contain high quality ingredients, are usually less sweet and feature unusual textures and natural flavors. Royal Confections features tempting truffles, gourmet caramel, handmade fudge, and an array of delicious confection treats.
Come treat yourself to some of the finest chocolates and confections, and live like Royalty where Life is Sweet!
Visit us on MySpace,Facebook, and Twitter
27 Feb- An Enchanted Evening at the NC International Pageant
The NC International Pageant was truly an Enchanted Evening. Some of the most amazing and dedicated women competed for the coveted title of NC International. Jennifer Phillips (Mrs. VA International) and I traveled down to help Joy Pfister (NC International Director) with Program Book sales. The torrential rain did not dampen the evenings celebratory atmosphere. Katie-Britt Greenway (Beauties of America 20's) performances for the evening were amazing. The MC for the evening Tim Kretschmann from PageantCast, not only entertained but led us through the Enchanted time of pageantry. At the end of the evening, some amazing women began their year journey as NC International, and the rest of us walked away will wonderful memories of friends old and new.
Miss North Carolina International: Julie Tesh
Mrs. North
21 Feb- District Pinewood Derby, Chesterfield VA
Alex watched his car race to the front of the finish line several times:
15 Feb- VA International Pageant

I had a great time at the VA International Pageant. It was a chance to watch a wonderful production, spend time with friends that I don't get to see often enough, and even meet some new ones. VA's Representatives for International this year are a great group of women:
Victoria Goldberg, Miss Teen Virginia International 2009
Ashley Dixon, Miss Virginia International 2009
Jennifer Phillips, Mrs. Virginia International 2009

TFTJ The Best of.....
Best PLUS Photogenic in 2008
Best PLUS Interview Suits in 2008
Best PLUS Evening Gowns in 2008
Best PLUS Fashion Wear in 2008So go the these polls and VOTE!! Share with friends! Thanks!
7 Feb--Great time at Chesterfield Cub Scout Pack Derby
On Feb.21, Alex will advance to the District race. Good luck Alex!
Royal Confections Opening Soon
Help Autistic Families Get Insurance for Treatments

Last week, in a moment of bitter irony for many families whose children are simply unable to speak, the members of the Virginia House Commerce and Labor Committee made a conscious decision to not utter a single word. They sat in cold silence instead of having the courage to vote for or against House Bill 1588, which would require insurance companies to provide coverage for treatments like speech, OT and ABA for children with autism. This was a moment of stunning disappointment for families from all over the Commonwealth who have been telling their stories of financial devastation and lack of treatment for their children with autism to these very delegates.
Fortunately there is hope in the Virginia Senate! This Monday, February 9th, the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee will hold a vote regarding the future of Senate Bill 1260, which just like HB 1588, requires insurance comapanies to provide coverage for medically necessary treatments for children with autism.
Now is the time to break the silence and speak on behalf of our kids!
How Can You Help?
1. CALL the members of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee! Although the list is a long one, please make as many calls as you can with this message: I am speaking up in support Senate Bill 1260 and I hope that you will speak up too. Voting YES on this bill will allow thousands of kids with autism across the Commonwealth to access the treatment they need and deserve. Autism is treatable. Insurance should cover the treatment.
Sen. Richard L. Saslaw (Chair) - (804) 698-7535
Sen. Charles J. Colgan - (804) 698-7529
Sen. Yvonne B. Miller - (804) 698-7505
Sen. William C. Wampler, Jr. - (804) 698-7540
Sen. Thomas K. Norment, Jr. - (804) 698-7503
Sen. Walter A. Stosch - (804) 698-7512
Sen. Kenneth W. Stolle - (804) 698-7508
Sen. John S. Edwards - (804) 698-7521
Sen. John C. Watkins - (804) 698-7510
Sen. Frank W. Wagner - (804) 698-7507
Sen. Stephen D. Newman - (804) 698-7523
Sen. Phillip P. Puckett - (804) 698-7538
Sen. Linda T. Puller - (804) 698-7536
Sen. Mark R. Herring - (804) 698-7533
Sen. A. Donald McEachin - (804) 698-7509
2. ATTEND the Senate Labor and Commerce Hearing this coming Monday, February 9 at 2pm in Hearing Room B of the General Assembly Building in Richmond. Wear red. Pile into minivans and cars. Pack the room. This is the day that we must send a message to Virginia senators. We are waiting and listening for them to speak on behalf of our children.
Autism Speaks--Insurance for treatments
Not only will HB 1588 give thousands of families across the Commonwealth access to the autism therapies their children need by requiring private insurance companies to provide coverage for these services, but according to a recent cost estimate commissioned by Autism Speaks, HB 1588 will only increase the cost of health care policyholders in Virginia by a mere $1.90 per month!
How Can You Help?
1. CALL the members of the Virginia House Commerce and Labor Committee:
Del. Terry Kilgore (Chair) | (804) 698-1001 | Del. Jennifer L. McClellan | (804) 698-1071 |
Del. Frank D. Hargrove (Vice Chair) | (804) 698-1055 | Del. Kenneth R. Melvin | (804) 698-1080 |
Del. Kenneth C. Alexander | (804) 698-1089 | Del. Harvy B. Morgan | (804) 698-1098 |
Del. Kathy J. Byron | (804) 698-1022 | Del. Samuel A. Nixon Jr. | (804) 698-1027 |
Del. Benjamin L. Cline | (804) 698-1024 | Del. Kenneth R. Plum | (804) 698-1036 |
Del. Tim Hugo | (804) 698-1040 | Del Harry R. Purkey | (804) 698-1082 |
Del. William R. Janis | (804) 698-1056 | Del. Thomas Rust | (804) 698-1086 |
Del Johnny S. Joannou | (804) 698-1079 | Del. Christopher B. Saxman | (804) 698-1020 |
Del. Joseph P. Johnson Jr. | (804) 698-1004 | Del. Mark D. Sickles | (804) 698-1043 |
Del Lynwood W. Lewis Jr. | (804) 698-1000 | Del. Jeion A. Ward | (804) 698-1092 |
Del. Daniel W. Marshall III | (804) 698-1014 | Del. R. Lee Ware Jr. | (804) 698-1065 |
I know it looks like a lot of members, so please just make as many calls as you can with this message: I support House Bill 1588, I hope that you will support House Bill 1588. HB 1588 will help thousands of families across the Commonwealth handle the financial burdens of having a child with autism. Autism is treatable! Insurance should cover the treatment!
Veteran's Day in NYC
I had the exceptional honor of participating in the Veteran's Day Parade in NYC with the Glory Girls. Coming from a long line of veterans, I was proud to be able to honor all that have served this great land.
Thank you to the men and women that have served, and those serving our country in arms.
Thank you HBO for a great Float!
And to those in uniform closer to home, your service is a lifesaver.
Autism Walk-- Nov 8 2008
Autism Awareness is something that is very near to me.
What is autism?
Autism (sometimes called “classical autism”) is the most common condition in a group of developmental disorders known as the autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Autism is characterized by impaired social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication, and unusual, repetitive, or severely limited activities and interests. Other ASDs include Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (usually referred to as PDD-NOS). Experts estimate that three to six children out of every 1,000 will have autism. Males are four times more likely to have autism than females.
Every year Autism Speaks raises money through a Walk, for research. This year I had a great time volunteering at this wonderful event.
7,500 Walkers Raise $818,000 at D.C. Walk Now for Autism
The 8th annual D.C. Walk Now for Autism took place on Saturday, Nov. 8 at The National Mall, as 7,500 walkers raised $818,000. The Walk began at the foot of the Washington National Monument, proceeded past the White House, and stopped briefly in front of the Lincoln Memorial where huge message boards were set up for President-Elect Obama. The Walk route continued along the Reflecting Pool. The 2008 Walk experienced a 22 percent increase in team participation over last year's event, boasting walkers on almost 650 teams.