Last week, in a moment of bitter irony for many families whose children are simply unable to speak, the members of the Virginia House Commerce and Labor Committee made a conscious decision to not utter a single word. They sat in cold silence instead of having the courage to vote for or against House Bill 1588, which would require insurance companies to provide coverage for treatments like speech, OT and ABA for children with autism. This was a moment of stunning disappointment for families from all over the Commonwealth who have been telling their stories of financial devastation and lack of treatment for their children with autism to these very delegates.
Fortunately there is hope in the Virginia Senate! This Monday, February 9th, the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee will hold a vote regarding the future of Senate Bill 1260, which just like HB 1588, requires insurance comapanies to provide coverage for medically necessary treatments for children with autism.
Now is the time to break the silence and speak on behalf of our kids!
How Can You Help?
1. CALL the members of the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee! Although the list is a long one, please make as many calls as you can with this message: I am speaking up in support Senate Bill 1260 and I hope that you will speak up too. Voting YES on this bill will allow thousands of kids with autism across the Commonwealth to access the treatment they need and deserve. Autism is treatable. Insurance should cover the treatment.
Sen. Richard L. Saslaw (Chair) - (804) 698-7535
Sen. Charles J. Colgan - (804) 698-7529
Sen. Yvonne B. Miller - (804) 698-7505
Sen. William C. Wampler, Jr. - (804) 698-7540
Sen. Thomas K. Norment, Jr. - (804) 698-7503
Sen. Walter A. Stosch - (804) 698-7512
Sen. Kenneth W. Stolle - (804) 698-7508
Sen. John S. Edwards - (804) 698-7521
Sen. John C. Watkins - (804) 698-7510
Sen. Frank W. Wagner - (804) 698-7507
Sen. Stephen D. Newman - (804) 698-7523
Sen. Phillip P. Puckett - (804) 698-7538
Sen. Linda T. Puller - (804) 698-7536
Sen. Mark R. Herring - (804) 698-7533
Sen. A. Donald McEachin - (804) 698-7509
2. ATTEND the Senate Labor and Commerce Hearing this coming Monday, February 9 at 2pm in Hearing Room B of the General Assembly Building in Richmond. Wear red. Pile into minivans and cars. Pack the room. This is the day that we must send a message to Virginia senators. We are waiting and listening for them to speak on behalf of our children.
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